Foto Chat Rooms Free, Album: pozne cls
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Fotografie: chat rooms free .jpg Hey. Mi-a atras atentia profilul tau. Si voiam sa-ti spun ca si eu imi doresc acelasi lucru Hi. Do you speak english? Hi. Yes, of course Its greate! Are u live in Bucharest? We can meet and see eath other? Sure. Where are you from? Im from Ukraine Oh. I assume your husband is back home Yes. He is in Ukraine. So, do you wanna coffee? With me We could, yes. But Im at work now Will u free in about an hower? *houer Sadly no. Im working until 6. Are you living alone? No. With kids. And you? With my girlfriend. How many kids do you have? But thay are not small Ok, thats nice. And if well like each other can we go to your place? No. So, you havnt place... I mean free place There are appartments or hotel rooms that we can rent. But yeah, my place is not available I cant rent appartments because of Im from Ukrain and im a refuge. But, if u want we can meet on coffee. And how long time did you live with your girlfriend? *do Ill take care of the room. I want to meet for coffee, sure, but Im a bit full at work. We live together for 2 years. I was looking for a more mature woman So, how u will solve this proplem? I mean your free time I will try to leave the office for a couple of hours. Where is best for you? Do you have a preferred area where we can meet? |
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