Imagine Chat Timisoara Italiano, Album: quiza snapshots
Ilustratie Chat Timisoara Italiano. cs snapshots by mgl-thug
Poza: chat timisoara italiano .jpg Good to hear, sorry its so slow. The chat and i get in late messages Is ok How are you ? Hello Elena Hy Hey how are you Elena -0. ? Hy. I am fine. You? Hello Elena, sorry I hot only now oyour messages. Fine thk. You? Ready for Christmas ? Hy. You like me? Hello. Yes, its fine talking to you, and you like ? :) You are very young and beautiful :emb: thk. I am glad and shy Why are you talking to me? I like you, :emb: Why? It is nice having conversation with you. :). You are cute But my english is very vad bad. Is very bad It s ok, mine is not great too :) I use google translate Is ok, what plans for tomorrow ? You like romanian women? I go my parents. They live on the country Yes I like romanian. You like italian ? Yes I see, you go to them is fine :). Et italian people ? italian men ? Meet italian people The Italians are Latin with the same wires as the Romanian I mean in person I know italien man Ok, can I ask you had relations with italian men ? I was even asked for marriage by an Italian man :emb: ohhhh. how did you meet him ? In 2004 I was in Milan ... there I met him. I understand. He was your boyfriend ? |
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PASIUNE sau EXTAZ? Domnisoara perversa, ofer senzatii nebanuite, placere si discretie domnilor generosi. Te astept in patul meu sau al tau! |
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