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Cooking for people i appreciate, watching films and series, reading and you?
Imi plac plimbarile si discutiile profunde! ce filme preferi?
I really like Star Wars. Sci-fi, Historic films, thrillers
Star wars e clasic! Ce personaj preferat ai?
I like Anakin/Vader a lot. its the real and best vilain. but Solo is a funny character with. His touch of crazyness
Da, han solo e cu adevarat charismatic!
Yes, the real rebel who only does what he wants, until he does what should be does
Exact! rebelia lui e captivanta si amuzanta! te inspiri din el?
I try to stay myself. if it please to others, its fine. if not, its their problem, not mine :D
Atitudine perfecta! fii mereu tu insati!
I took time, but now, yes, i stay myself
E uimitor sa te descoperi si sa te accepti! Continui sa cresti?
Ironicaly, i want to answer that i stoped a long time ago ^^
Haha, autoironia e un semn de maturitate!
Glad you see it like that ;)
Imi place sa fiu inconjurata de oameni cu simtul umorului!
I like too, it relax me
Rasul e cel mai bun medicament! ce te face sa razi?
I dont laught a lot. I smile a lot more
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