Fotografie Chat Video Live Free, Album: rock shadow
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Imagine: chat video live free .jpg Hello. I have an english lesson now... Whan I will be free, I will wright you, ok? All right. What do you want to find here? I wanna find free relationships Thanks for the access to your private pictures You are wellcome ) Im with someone, but I dont think you want a free man You are right I live near Bucharest in the house on the ground with my girlfriend I live with my kids ) But I also have an apartment in the city that we can go to, if we get to know each other and you want it. Do you live in the city? So, we will need to know each other ;-). I also live near Bucharest. How old are you? Im from Ukraine We can meet, but in the city. My wife and I have a small business together, a construction company. You? Ok. I will be in Bucharest soon. Im 37. When you can? Are you really speaking english?) Yes, but my girlfriend is around and I dont want to make her suspicious. When can you arrive in Bucharest and how long can you stay in the city? Im planing to be there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow We can only chat here at the moment I can stay a little time. I ask you not for colling) Its fine for me, I think I can find reasons to come to town by car I had a bad date, when man sayed me i know english a little, but he didnt know ) I can take you by car and we can talk directly, and then if you want we can go to the apartment But I know english a little, but its enough. Where you are? Te ai vazut cu cineva de pe aplicatie? ?? Have you met anyone on the app? Yes, but we dont like eath other. And you? Where should I go to pick you up by car? How would you describe yourself? Preferably honestly, if we want to go further I havent met anyone from here yet Its good for me ;-). I live in Darsa. Is it far from you? How minutes by car? I think Im an ok person, but I understand that you want to make love with someone. Its not that far. Do you want me to pick you up from there? I dont want to be with just anyone. I care about appearance and temperament. Thats why I asked you to describe yourself. But you want something stable, so if we feel good together, lets see each other Ok. We will see |
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Este un album foarte frumos,distractiv unde iti reamintesti momentele frumoase din viata ta. |
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Albumul prezinta o colectie de fotografii stilizate, evidentiind un amestec unic de eleganta si excentricitate. Fiecare imagine capteaza personalitatea vibranta si neconventionala a modelului, intr-o varietate de cadre urbane si naturale. |
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Din raiul amintirilor nu te poate alunga nimeni - spunea cineva. Fotografiile din acest album, sunt amintirile din Raiul de la Manastirea Dervent, din Tabara de Tineret organizata de Asociatia Studentilor Crestini Ortodocsi Romani - Constanta. |
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Fotografii facute in timp ce erau aranjati componentii trupei revers pentru filmarea videoclipului. |
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