Fotografie Romanian Girls Names, Album: romanian girls
Foto Romanian Girls Names.
Imagine: romanian girls names .jpg To chat with different people. And who knows finding someone to build a future with. You just joined this site ? Yes I just joined the site. Hoping to find a man for a serious relationship. Im willing to relocate. I have a son. 1 year old How old is he ? That is cute, very small still ;-) Yes still very small. You are not married ? No, Im not married. What about you? Not easy i guess to be alone with a child. I divorced 8 years ago. I am single now Yes not easy. You have a child ?; I have 2 girls, they live with my ex wife here in the city. They are 9 and 13 years old. Can i be your friend here or you are not sure yet ? ;-) Wow they must be beautiful. Yes i am very proud of them Sure we can be friends. How do you call them ? My sons name is Chosen Thank you, but is still shown as that we are not friends ... My girls are called Diana and Carmen Ive approved the friend request Chosen is a nice name, i like it :-) Beautiful names. How I would love to see them. I like children very much Can you check again, with me it shows not friends ... Now is shown as friends :-). I like children also Ok great. I dont like the idea of private photos here It is an option, not obliged to put them or look at them. That is why are 2 possibilities. Open pictures that all can see or private But why would anyone even put a private photo here? Its not very safe you know Not much they can do with my pictures i believe. And with no pictures nobody usually answer to you on chat I believe its not very safe. Some way some how someone can see. Like the site owners. Can do whatever they like with your photo You are safe because you did not put a picture ;-). I am 8 years on this site and never anything bad happened because of my pictures Yeah and I would never do such. Wow 8 years? And youve never found what youre looking for ? So far not. Had a few short relationships but never a longer one Only girls from Romania ? No |
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