
Fotografie Romanian Girl Julia Tica, Album: sexy girl

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In Julia...nice to meet you here Michael
Me too .. nice to meet you julia
You learning romanian?..thats not hard at all...try hungarian :))
Hungarian more hard ?
Staistics say hungarian is the third difficult language in world. Statistics say that
So you can figger it out :)). What brings you here?
I come in romania by chance in 2012 and i make bussines here and was very good
So you are here from 2012?
But i get good feelings about here
I know what you mean....many people feeling the same
No i come several times .. not stay long time every visit. Just 3 days. But i decide to move here. I was in canada .. there is the life very fast .. i not like
Really?? Over here is rushing more n more. What business you run?
Here i feel the people very nice
Some of them,really are. Ok, talk tomorrow, i will go shortly. Have a lovely day Michael
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Ill be back at 6 am....tomorrow :)
You too julia
Good morning julia. How are you ?
Good day Michael...im fine thx, full with work, but fine. And how are you?
I am good . Same as you .. have full day with work today. I must go cluj and timis. On sunday or monday. Have many meetings there and i prepare everything from now
Well, if thats your job...if course
In cluj if i come next monday .. there is a chance to meet fir coffee ?
Well...dont know...lets see that monday. I drink coffee at morning usually...so that could be a morning meeting somehow?
Sure .. we can meet at morning
Ok..will talk til than
What is your occupation. You said that you know egyptian people .. in romania or in egypt ?
Good morning! Im an accountant. Yes, i knew egyptians here in cluj, as well from egypt



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