
Poza Meet Romanian Singles, Album: sfera

Foto Meet Romanian Singles. poze

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Ciao :)
Ciao :)
Parli italiano?
No do you speak english?
Yes. Nice to meet you. Ive seen your private album. Very nice your pictures!
What are you looking for here?
Ill come soon in bucarest
Ok cool
Are u here to meet new friends? maybe we can meet
Sure, lets talk more first
Yes sure
Great, tell me more about yourself
I live in italy, Im single my business here is graphic designer. Ive been in bucarest many times
Thats interesting, what do you like most about bucharest?
In general I like the city and there are many places where is possible to go for fun, clubs, pubs. I like also therme. Is my second house. I mean bucarest is my second house. And what about you? tell me are u single?
Yes, i m single
What u like to do in your free time? What u like to do in your free time?
I enjoy going out with friends, watching movies and reading books.
I like also watch movie at home or at cinema. Usually in bucarest I go at cinema city in afi. Are you a student at university?
Just looking for some fun
We keep in touch here?
Sure, why not?
Yes or maybe in facebook or instagram
Lets keep it here for now.
Ok no problem :)
I think to come in bucarest in 2 weeks :)
Enjoy your trip!
Thx. Hope to meet you :)
Looking forward to it!
Talk soon. I finish my work.... Its a busy day
Take a break and relax.
Yes now I have my lunch time. Do u like italian food?
Love it! spaghetti carbonara is my favorite.

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