
Fotografie Hookers In Alexandria, Album: subwoofer

Imagine Hookers In Alexandria. SUBWOOFER

Ofer Companie Mangalia
Public 24 Voluntari

Ilustratie: hookers in alexandria .jpg

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A hooker is a hooker. Not my type. To make a present, monetarily. To make her smile. This I like. Brb. Going for a smoke
A hooker you can get here for 300 lei per hour. But it is just to empty the balls :-))) not my type! I am very charming. You will see
I m sure if that. Of
The gift for her was money. Her son is 18yo:-)
That s why u don t like her
And I was not her boyfriend lets say. She fucks around. And that I dont like.
I ve understand. Change subject
K. You are more important:)*. As I remember well you never cheat on your husband before. Let me be no 1 :-)). I promise I will be very sensitive to you. I will let you feel free with all your senses


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