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At the time Brasov. Next time maybe ill go on the coast to discover it and i want to see Corvin castelul because i really like castles ^^
Sounds like a great plan! visiting castles is always fascinating. do you enjoy exploring historical sites?
Yes, i like History in general, so i like historical sites. I discovered Bran and Peles castle last year, was astonishing
Thats awesome! Both bran and peles castles are truly impressive. do you have any favorite historical period?
I like middle age, Antiquity. Those periods where really impressives when they needed to build new things
Its fascinating how advanced their architectural skills were back then. do you have a favorite ancient civilization?
Not really. Egyptians, Persians, greek, Roman and asian ancient civilizations, all leave us a legacy or another and i think there all important
Absolutely, each ancient civilization has its own unique contributions to history. it s amazing how much we can learn from them.
Thats totally true


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