I have cardiac problems since i had 26 years Its very important regarding our hobbies I have treatment... Pils every fucking day What a shit Seriously... And in a while. I had to take 32 pils/day ...what!? For another problem Tell me That was a long time ago. But it wasnt easy Listening Basically i had problems with my thyroid. And everything stop doing good things in my body. Everything was upside-down You had kind of nightmare Yep. For 2 years Wanna change to WhatsApp? Since then. My cardiac problem remains... It stuck. And sometimes other problems. But i have pills just case. For urgent matter s But look. I had problems too. Two years ago I went to a doc for standard analysis from my colon. And.....he found 3 tumors. !!WTF! After 10 days I left the hospital, after they cut out 50cm from my colon with these tumors. I had no pills and no chemo... You see. Sometimes just shit happens Thank goodness your ok Yep. Which city you are? Arad I like very much. My first affair is from arad. Such a cosy town Yep I am in CL....a bit far away. Its a 10 hours ride by car. I know because I did often enough. But there are good flight connections to BUC. Ryanair for example. Raise me up in toThe sky;). ;-). Come and enjoy. I have all the tools
Vezi pula in pizda, o colectie de poze cu futut, imagini facute de aproape cu pizde gaurite de pule tari, foto cu penis in vagin, esenta sexului hetero!...
Paige Owens este o actrita in industria filmelor pentru adulti. Ea si-a inceput cariera in acest domeniu in 2017 si de atunci a devenit cunoscuta pentru versatilitatea sa in rolurile pe care le interpreteaza si pentru prezenta sa carismatica pe ecran.