
Fotografie Sex Life Sex, Album: thug 4 life


Good Life Sibiu
Escorte Ts Bucuresti

Ilustratie: sex life sex .jpg

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What r u doin in real life?
I work as a secretary. Hopefully I will find something better
How comes u look online for sex? sorry when i ask. u look mega attractive and i dont think, that u. Dont have enough opportunities with just goin out of the house :-)
Romanian guys are usually very bad at approaching a woman face to face. Here you can meet all type of guys. Some of them are really nice though
Thats an argument. :-). And how was your real life meetings experience with men form here till now? mine a disaster :-)
I didn t meet anyone. A lot of desperate guys
Hahaaaaaaaaaaaa. Whats exactly my experience too
They know only a few questions...
I was tryin to meet twice, but had to quit after 15 min in a cafe
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Sange Life

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