Imagine How To Use A Penis Ring, Album: wencore rings
Ilustratie How To Use A Penis Ring. ringuri pt joc
Poza: how to use a penis ring .jpg How old is She? The ring is inside permanently for 5 years Aaa. No. That kind of ring my body rejected. I try it. Too Ohh really? But had no menstruation for six month There are new things now in the market And i was to a stupid doctor and take IT outside. After another doctor told me i was wrong. That nothing bad could happened without bleeding This is the problem. To find the right doctor But i was afraid that i can take pounds , without a normal bleeding. So i found another doctor and he give me this ring. That i put inside. For 21 days. After i take outside and i 2 days start bleeding. And after bleeding buy other ring .... So why to take it out? And the cicle repeat. IT s for a limited use. 21 days. In every month i buy a new one I see IT is like a ring. Plastic ring. Maleabile Is it painful to put it in? No. ^Is soft Good Malleable Anyway dear But IT makes me a wound in my cervix I am glad its under control So the doctor told me to stop use IT Each time? For a while. No. 3 month ago Ok I noticed a spot in my bikini. Not in menstrual period. And i went to doctor. And found i have a wound. And She said that the ring could cause it How is it now? I had treatment |
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