Ilustratie: chat partner .jpg I dont see how Fiecare are propriul ritm! Again just a standard reply that every girl uses. Do you all have the same answer sgeet that you use? *sheet Nu am un script, doar ma adaptez situatiilor! Yes and everything is so negative nothing positive. You are certainly not inspiring Poate putem schimba directia conversatiei! Ce te inspira pe tine? I am not interest in discussing what inspires me this is not what I am looking for in a future partne. Partner Inteleg! ce asteptari ai de la un partener? I want someone sexy, passionate with desires and fantasies. Open to intimate moments and relaxing tim Ce fel de fantezii ai in minte? I want to know yours Prefer sa ascult despre ale tale! Do you not have any imagination at all? Am, dar prefer sa nu detaliez! We are so not compatible you are way too shy E adevarat, imi ia timp sa ma deschid! Sorry but I already found someone today that is more in line with my thinking I wold rather. Concentrate my attention on her Iti doresc succes in cautarea ta! I think I will be fine. I already found someone more compatible than you Fiecare merita fericirea lui! |