Fotografie Lovely Chat Messages, Album: ziua lui miki
Imagine Lovely Chat Messages. Ziua lui MIki
Foto: lovely chat messages .jpg Yes How You think about you coming here? I am willing to relocate Ok...are you sure? Yes i am sure. Please from now on send me message through direct message. I dontt want to reply to private chat anymore It. Its mor directly here....why ? I get a lot of messages here and it is confusing to reply. I dont care about another , why you not blocking them? They havent done anything wrong, why should i block them? Its up to you, then Yes, so write through inbox so i can reply without any problems I not felt any problems here I am the one feeling the problem here Which feeling? I am the one who has the problem talking here Is provat here....why not? Private Just send a message in my inbox. Why so hard? Becoming hard...when you not answered here , its simple. Looking back....we talk in one hour about nothing Ok ill talk here Its just up to your , nothing else I know, so ive decided ill reply you here. Ok |
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Fotografii de la Ziua Petrolistului din 9 Septembrie 2006 de la Complexul Balc,Marghita,Bihor unde au cantat Alexandra Ungureanu si Crush,Simplu,Blondy,3 Sud Est,FLY PROJECT si invitatii speciali din Belgia SYLVER... |
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Un album indraznet ce aduna o varietate de imagini captivante, ilustrand frumusetea si naturaletea pizdelor paroase intr-un mod provocator si senzual. Fiecare fotografie surprinde un spectru divers de expresii si emotii, oferind o privire autentica in lum |
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Marica Hase este o actrita japoneza de filme pentru adulti, cunoscuta pentru activitatea sa in industria filmelor pentru adulti din Japonia si international. Ea si-a facut un nume prin numeroasele sale aparitii in filme destinate publicului adult si prin |
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Fotografii de la Premiile Muzicale Romanian Top Hits 2006 desfasurate la Bacau... transmise de ATOMIC TV...gazda covorului rosu Mc Nino... |
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e atat de frumos incat iti trece vraja prin fata ochilor |
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